海葵會呼吸 | 裝置
Sea Anemones Breathe | Installation
Large fish that migrate along the Kuroshio Current were once attracted to the intertidal zone, which is full of all kinds of life. This zone is one of the best places to observe marine biology. The coral, a living being within, is an indicator of the level of survival stress experienced by marine animals. Sea anemones living among the coral and rocks are one of the stars of the ocean floor, their bodies dancing with the currents. But the effects of human activity, including unretrieved fishing nets, seriously damage the biology there, and the resulting coral bleaching is a serious problem. This piece is a call on humanity to respect the beings of the ocean.
海葵會呼吸 | 裝置
Sea Anemones Breathe | Installation
Large fish that migrate along the Kuroshio Current were once attracted to the intertidal zone, which is full of all kinds of life. This zone is one of the best places to observe marine biology. The coral, a living being within, is an indicator of the level of survival stress experienced by marine animals. Sea anemones living among the coral and rocks are one of the stars of the ocean floor, their bodies dancing with the currents. But the effects of human activity, including unretrieved fishing nets, seriously damage the biology there, and the resulting coral bleaching is a serious problem. This piece is a call on humanity to respect the beings of the ocean.
參展藝術家|陳勇昌 Kaling Diway
Kaling Diway 陳勇昌,港口部落阿美族,擅長大型竹製裝置,作品充滿對部落生活的情感,富有原住民文化傳承的濃厚使命。近年多獲國內藝術季邀展,包括「南方以南-南迴藝術計畫」「關渡國際自然藝術季」「東海岸大地藝術節」,亦受邀參加韓國「江原道環境裝置邀請展」及日本「原始感覺藝術季」。
Artist|Kaling Diway
Kaling Diway is an artist from the Pangcah community of Makota’ay who creates large bamboo installations that brim with his love for his community and a strong sense of mission to transmit Indigenous culture. In recent years, he has frequently been invited to show at Taiwanese exhibitions, including The Hidden South, Guandu International Nature Art Festival, and TECLandART Festival, as well as the Gangwon Environmental Installation Art Invitational Artists Exhibition in South Korea and the Primitive Sense Art Festival in Japan.

參展藝術家|陳勇昌 Kaling Diway
Kaling Diway 陳勇昌,港口部落阿美族,擅長大型竹製裝置,作品充滿對部落生活的情感,富有原住民文化傳承的濃厚使命。近年多獲國內藝術季邀展,包括「南方以南-南迴藝術計畫」「關渡國際自然藝術季」「東海岸大地藝術節」,亦受邀參加韓國「江原道環境裝置邀請展」及日本「原始感覺藝術季」。
Artist|Kaling Diway
Kaling Diway is an artist from the Pangcah community of Makota’ay who creates large bamboo installations that brim with his love for his community and a strong sense of mission to transmit Indigenous culture. In recent years, he has frequently been invited to show at Taiwanese exhibitions, including The Hidden South, Guandu International Nature Art Festival, and TECLandART Festival, as well as the Gangwon Environmental Installation Art Invitational Artists Exhibition in South Korea and the Primitive Sense Art Festival in Japan.